It has been a bit of a rollercoaster I must say. I released my first book and so far, the reception has been pretty nice. Quite a few nice people let me know they love the strip and congratulated me on my book. I wasn't sure if a paid collection of something that is freely given was going to work for me but so far, things are on an up swing.
Already I am working on another book to release, hopefully, in early 2018 between Inner Child volumes. For now I will keep that under wraps but know that I am working on more for you guys. One thing I would love to do is steer Bixby House Books in a couple different directions. The comic strips won't stop that is for sure. This label was build for them after all. But there is something that I have wanted to do for a long time. Something not comic related. Since I gave up a serious thought to working on a graphic novel at the moment I have been thinking of looking in a different direction...
Children's books.
I mean there are other things I want to do. Get an actual novel out though my label and maybe a graphic novel too but kid's books for awhile now has just made sense to me. Do me a favor, if you read this blog post and like what you hear let me know. You can PM Art of Sean Burnham, find Bixby House Books on Instagram and there is always responding right on this site. I would love to see what you think.
Until then, we still have Inner Child and one day the mystery book I am working on too.
Thanks for reading and God bless.
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